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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Attempt to try Nuffnang

While surfing today at office, i stumble upon with the Nuffnang (blog advertiser), so after read thoroughly what's they all about, I feel itchy to try as I found Nuffnang similar to Google Adsense..

The process of registration pretty straight forward except after all done they come up with what-a-boring questionnaire which it takes me sometimes to fill, huh.. but it doesn't bother me as long as they serve me the purpose it should be fine enough.

So I managed settle for those within a few clicks only :p until I figure out what else need to do and yeah, this is my 1st ever post (ignore 1st post dated 2007, huhu)..


  1. Sayang,

    Good luck!!

    After waited so long, at last u have published your first ever post..:)


  2. saje gatal2 nak try hikhik.. feel free to drop by eh ;)


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