My son progess:

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

PR14HJ, Preston

--Reflash back my memories--

I was in Preston, part of UK northend for further my study which I never thought that I am going to that far and I still think about it till now..

A lots of memories with some good and bad experience I faced that's because I'd never been abroad before, so it was pretty hard for me to get along especially with the 4 seasons weather plus the language of British accent was so-hard-to-understand for me..

Actually, there are so many memories to share but I am aware I could not elaborate more and will continue when time permitted, cheers..

above: from "A" - my IT Faculty down to "B" - my not-so-nice house


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. OMG, that far sayang from ur house to Uni..but yet not a problem for ur since you had ur "GF" that time..U will be missing your red "gf" ya..;)

    But you have a replacement now, much better, newer, faster and hot..;)

  3. wah "GF" kaler merah eh mesti blushing tuh hikhik.. sbnrnya xjauh sgt pn ikut shortcut tp dlm map tu dia pointing guna main road tu yg mcm jauh.. huhu

  4. Ooh..baru mama tau yer..Bilalah abah nak bawak mama n iffat gi tengok Uni abah college abah ari2 lalu sampai naik jemus..:)


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